Micromobility warnings – e-scotters – scooters – e-bicycles – e-unicycles

We supply this post and PDF document in support of the Consumer Product Safety Commission and their efforts to warn the public, manufacturers, importers, distributors, and retailes of the need for “Micromobility Devices” to conform to UL (Underwriters Laboratory) standards.  Our governement is warning us, that lacking UL conformity users run the risk of injuries and deaths from micromobility device fires.  Additionally, it is required that manufacturers, importers, distributors, and... Read More

Change in Blaine FDA hours

The Blaine station of the FDA announced a change in their operating hours beginning September 7, 2022. The new hours are from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Monday through Friday excluding Holidays. The changes will remain in effect until we are notified otherwise.  Read More

Travelers Entering the United States (Land /Ferry ports) – Fully Vaccinated Against COVID-19

Customs has provided the following information regarding land border and ferry passengers, requirement to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 before entering the USA.  Effective date on this is January 22, 2022.  Please read on: WASHINGTON – Beginning on January 22, 2022, DHS will require non-U.S. individuals seeking to enter the United States via land ports of entry and ferry terminals at the U.S.-Mexico and U.S.-Canada borders to be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 and... Read More

Holiday Office Hours

Hello: Below is our office hours for the Holiday Season 2021. Please plan accordingly. We will have an on-call representative during the hours when our office is closed to take emergency calls. Friday 12/24/21: Closing at 12:00 p.m. Monday 12/28/21 – Thursday 12/30/21: Open (limited staff on Monday) Friday 12/31/21: Closing at 12:00 p.m. Monday 1/3/22: Open with limited staff Tuesday 1/4/22: Open regular hours   We here at Sanders Brokerage Services would like to with you and yours a... Read More


UPDATE  (JUNE 14TH, 2021) No More ‘UNK’ for FDA Entries in July 2022 The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) told NCBFAA Regulatory Affairs Committee (RAC) members that use of the term “UNK” (representing “unknown”) will not be allowed for food imports in place of a valid DUNS number for in the Unique Facility Identifier field for the FSVP importer, starting July 2022. The agency has already started targeted outreach by sending emails to customs brokers and importers... Read More


FORCED LABOR: We ask you to take immediate notice of a situation certainly not new, known as “FORCED LABOR”.  CBP – U.S. CONGRESS and other NON-GOVERNMENT stakeholders are pushing hard trying to stop the proliferation of the utilization of FORCED LABOR throughout the globe.  What has brought this to the forefront is the findings in the Xinjiang region of China where situations have found that FORCED LABOR is being used in the production and harvesting of Cotton.  The basic legal provision... Read More

Section 301 China Exclusions – Cautionary Warning

As most will recall, the U.S.A., has been involved in a very large trade war with China under the Section 301 provisions of our regulations, amounting in additional Tariffs, from 7.5% up to and including 25% (additional duty’s).  A large number of “EXCLUSIONS” were issued throughout the years, some as resent as September of 2020 reduced these additional duties.  We caution all importers and ask that you be aware that many, and most likely all, of those exclusions (which granted... Read More


The announcement below is for our FDA clients who have an FDA Registration Number.   Preparing for the 2020 Biennial Registration Renewal In preparation for the 2020 Biennial Registration Renewal period, we have a few tips: Ensure that your FURLS account is up to date with a valid password Please visit https://www.access.fda.gov/ to access your account. If you have forgotten your Account ID and/or password, please select ‘Forgot Account ID’ and/or ‘Forgot Password’ to obtain your... Read More

USMCA – U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement

Taking effect on July 1, 2020 is the USMCA (United States-Mexico-Canada) Agreement.  There are some subtle changes and some not so subtle.  Some of the biggest changes are the fact that there is no specific form mandated.  But instead of reinventing the wheel through our own written interpretations, we will paste the following exert from U.S. Customs (CBP) in their “Interim Implementing Instructions”. Certification or Other Document Requirements: An importer may submit an importer,... Read More


On Friday 3/20/2020 the Secretary of Homeland Security announced the decision to restrict travel between the US and Canada at land ports of entry and ferry services to “essential travel” only. The restrictions went into effect at 11:59 p.m. EDT on 3/20 and will remain in effect until 11:59 p.m. EDT on 4/20/2020. Please click on the link below for the complete text of the announcement. FR Document 2020-06217: Notification of Temporary Travel Restrictions Applicable to Land Ports of Entry... Read More