NAFTA Certificate of Origin – CBP 434 continued use past expiry date “okay”.

The CBP 434 (NAFTA Certificate of Origin Certificate) expired on March 31, 2012.  CBP has approved its extended use until a new form has been approved.  Following is the posting by CBP.  (Posted by Sanders Brokerage Services): Please be advised that CBP is aware that the most current CBP Form 434, “NAFTA Certificate of Origin,” available on the CBP website at, lists a March 31, 2012, expiration date. Notwithstanding the expiration date, the trade may... Read More

Goods returned to the USA – CBP and 9801.00 Provisions

C.B.P.  and the 9801.00 Provisions of the Tariff Schedule:  Things ebb and flow with any government agencies.  Current hot topics, catch phrases, the issues of the week frequently change.  Recently C.B.P. has impressed upon the trade (importing public) of the need for full compliance with the duty free provisions of 9801.00.  These include the return of U.S. manufactured articles, the return of goods following a trade show, circus, scientific or education endeavor abroad (perhaps in Canada),... Read More


FDA is rolling out their new web based “Entry Status” system known as MARCS and ITACS.  Users can track FDA entry status changes on FDA regulated commodity lines.  Additionally users can upload import / label / documents and such to the FDA’s ITACS website thereby providing immediate information to the FDA Compliance Officer working the importation. Currently the system is available to all users and individuals who desire to access or use the website.  User log in and password... Read More