Hello everyone! On Friday (11/29/2019) there will be posted in the Federal Register three new sets of product exclusions for the 301-China Tariffs. The link is below. It will be to your benefit to look through these documents to see if any of your products of Chinese origin that you import are described in any of the lists. If you believe you found some, and would like help in determining this, then please contact us here at 360-332-1778 or by email to for assistance.... Read More
US Customs bills sent out in error on 10/28/2019
It has just come to our attention that duty monies that appeared on ACH Statements for final payment on 10/23/2019 were not processed by US Customs due to a fault in their computer systems. The payments were made on 10/29/2019, but not before Customs sent out bills for duty increases to affected Importers on 10/28/2019. Customs has since recognized the issue and is working toward rectifying the problem by voided the bills that were issued erroneously. If you have received a bill that you believe... Read More
Hello everyone! On Wednesday (11/132019) there will be posted in the Federal Register three new sets of product exclusions for the 301-China Tariffs. The links are below. It will be to your benefit to look through these documents to see if any of your products of Chinese origin that you import are described in any of the lists. If you believe you found some, and would like help in determining this, then please contact us here at 360-332-1778 or by email to for assistance.... Read More
New Product Exclusions for the China Tariffs to be published in the Federal Register on 10/28/2019
Hello everyone! On Monday (10/28/2019) there will be posted in the Federal Register three new sets of product exclusions for the 301-China Tariffs. The links are below. It will be to your benefit to look through these documents to see if any of your products of Chinese origin that you import are described in any of the lists. If you believe you found some, and would like help in determining this, then please contact us here at 360-332-1778 or by email to for assistance.... Read More
China Tariff increase cancelled……. for now
On Friday 10/11/19 it was announced by the White House that the planned increased tariff, going from 25% to 30%, on $250 billion dollars worth of Chinese goods that was scheduled for tomorrow, 10/15/19, has been cancelled due to appreciable progress in trade talks in the days previous. However, an agreement has yet to be signed and it’s acknowledged that there is still a lot of work to be done. At this time, the scheduled increase on 12/15 is till happening. Please check back for further updates... Read More
New 301 Trade Action against the EU Effective 10/18/2019
The US Trade Representative (USTR) announced that, effective at 12:01 a.m. EDT on Friday 10/18/2019, there will be additional duties levied against products of certain member States of the EU. This comes after a determination by the US Trade Representative that, “…the European Union (EU) and certain member States have denied U.S. rights under the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement and have failed to implement WTO Dispute Settlement Body recommendations concerning certain subsidies... Read More
New product exclusions for the 301-China Tariffs to be published tomorrow, 10/2/2019
Hello everyone! Tomorrow (10/02/2019) there will be posted in the Federal Register three new sets of product exclusions for the 301-China Tariffs. The links are below. It will be to your benefit to look through these documents to see if any of your products of Chinese origin that you import are described in any of the lists. If you believe you found some, and would like help in determining this, then please contact us here at 360-332-1778 or by email to for assistance.... Read More
New product exclusions for the 301-China Tariffs as of 9/20/2019
Hello everyone! Tomorrow (9/20/2019) there will be posted in the Federal Register three new sets of product exclusions for the 301-China Tariffs. The links are below. It will be to your benefit to look through these documents to see if any of your products of Chinese origin that you import are described in any of the lists. If you believe you found some, and would like help in determining this, then please contact us here at 360-332-1778 or by email to for assistance. Otherwise,... Read More
China Tariff increase postponed
On Wednesday 9/11/2019 it was announced to the press that President Trump is postponing the increase in the China Tariffs from 25% to 30% by two weeks. The increase was slated to go into effect on Tuesday 10/1/2019, but is now scheduled for scheduled for Tuesday 10/15/2019. US and Chinese officials will meet to discuss trade early in October. Read More
The latest on the China Tariffs
As many of you know, there have been a lot of moves lately in regard to the China Tariffs. A $300 Billion Trade Action went into effect with two lists. The first list, called Annex A, went into effect on Monday September 1st with products having a duty rate of an additional 15% over the regular duty. The second list, Annex C, will go into effect on December 15th at the same rate. We strongly suggest you check out both lists to see if any of your products are impacted. Also, on Tuesday, September... Read More